I collect manuals of the brands that I specialize in, I have several hundred in my collection already.
So I wanted to offer to people the ability to buy a scanned copy, either by email, or If you wish onto a CD and post it .(for an extra fee)
Scans are normally done at 400dpi in a pdf format
I fully understand, that you can find most these on the internet for free , or maybe buy them from other sellers, but this takes time ,and you are never quite sure what you will get, many are often copies of copies.
The difference here ,is that I physically own the manuals you see listed , so if you buy one and then say "Can you blow up one section of interest" I can do that, it will not cost you extra, as I will then send it to you free by email. and then will include it in the standard file so the next person will have that.
Often my manuals have had hand written notes on them, like change this or that, I find that very helpful.
Pricing depends on how many pages there are and how rare is the manual, or how difficult is it to scan ( some of these manuals I paid a lot for as came from overseas)
Remember you are getting a data file not the the original paper manual
Drop me a mail to say which ones you want and how you would like them to be sent.
I have made the complete list of what I have, some I will scan to order as it takes a lot of time.
The M-2600 is an original but they reprinted that at Teac
Model Type Price
Tascam MM-1 Service manual 15
Tascam Porta 1 one Service manual 20
Tascam Porta 2 two Service manual 20
Tascam DX-2D DX-4D Owners manual 6
Tascam DX-2D DX-4D Service manual 10
Tascam M-08 compact mix Service manual 15
Tascam Porta 05 mini Service manual 20
Tascam TSR-8 Service manual 30
Tascam DX-8 DX-16 Service manual 20
Tascam MS-16 Service manual 40
Tascam MSR-16 Service manual 30
Tascam BR-20 Service manual 20
Tascam 22-2 Service manual 20
Tascam 22-4 Service manual 20
Tascam MSR-24S Service manual 30
Tascam M-30 Service manual 20
Tascam 32 Service manual 20
Tascam 32-2B Service manual 20
Tascam 34 Service manual 20
Tascam 34B Service manual 20
Tascam M-35 Service manual 30
Tascam 35-2 Service manual 30
Tascam 38 Service manual 20
Tascam DA-38 Service manual 15
Tascam MH-40 MK2 Service manual 6
Tascam 42 Service manual 40
Tascam 48 Service manual 40
Tascam 52 Service manual 40
Tascam 58 Service Manual 30
ATR-60 -4-8HS Service Manual 30
ATR-60-16 Service Manual 30
85-16B Service Manual 40
DA-88 Service Manual 20
Tascam 112B Service Manual 10
Tascam 122 Service Manual 20
Tascam 122mk2 Service Manual 15
Tascam 144 Owners manual 10
Tascam M-200 Owners manual 15
Tascam 244 Owners manual 30
Tascam 244 Service manual 30
Tascam 246 Service manual 30
Tascam M-300 series Service Manual 40
Tascam 388 studio 8 Service Manual 30
Tascam RC-416 Service Manual 6
Tascam 424 Service Manual 15
Tascam 424mk2 Owners manual 10
Tascam ATS-500/IF-500 Service Manual 15
Tascam MD-501 Service Manual 15
Tascam M-512 M-520 Service Manual 40
Tascam M-700 series Service Manual 40
Tascam 788 Owners manual 30
Tascam MD-801R/MD-801P Service Manual 20
Tascam M-2600 Service Manual 20